Fun for all the family

Fun for all the family

Looking for inspiration to keep your children interested, so that you can enjoy the gardens? Look no further! • Music. We have a great programme of music on offer, with something for all tastes. Jazz, brass band, choir, even recorder. You can sit or wander as you listen. In garden #4 you can enjoy an…

This year’s music

This year’s music

There is nothing more magical than enjoying a beautiful summer garden with fantastic live music as your soundtrack, and we are very privileged to have such a wonderful and varied selection this year. Huge thanks to Kathryn Nall, for once again organising such a great programme, and to all of the musicians for very kindly…

Programmes on sale now!

Programmes on sale now!

We are very excited to finally share our wonderful program, illustrated by local artist Sue Smith. You can pick up your copy NOW at: Topiary TreeHiston Post OfficeSt Andrew’s Centre CaféStation Stores Gin House FlowersLook out for the “on sale here” posters. Programmes are £5 in advance, and they can only take cash, so the…

Plant donations

Plant donations

If you have plants to donate for our plant stall, please bring them to our stall on the Green, on Saturdays 1st, 8th and 15th June, 10am-12pm, or on the morning of the 16th. Or, if you need us to collect them or would like to arrange drop off at a different time, please contact…

This year’s charities

This year’s charities

This year, the proceeds of Open Gardens will be shared between the following four charities: The Trussell Trust supports a nationwide network of more than 1300 food banks that provide emergency food to people facing hardship. They also provide practical services on a that help to address the reasons that force people to turn to…

Sponsors needed

Sponsors needed

Contact us now to advertise in the Open Gardens programme and website. For only £100, we are offering a half-page advert in our programme plus inclusion of your advert on the sponsors’ page of our website. Contact us now and secure your space: Our aim is to use sponsorship to cover our costs, such…

Good news!

Good news!

We are happy to announce that Open Gardens 2024 is going ahead! With huge thanks to all of the gardeners who have so generously agreed to open their gardens this year, especially those who stepped in at the last minute to save us from having to cancel. Special thanks also to our friends at HIHub…

Urgent appeal for gardens

Urgent appeal for gardens

Without more gardens, we will unfortunately have to cancel HI Open Gardens on 16th June 2024. If you could open your garden, please get in touch as soon as possible. Open Gardens is a community event, raising money for charities. Last time, we had 17 gardens open, of all shapes and sizes, and raised £11,000,…