A potted history of two historic houses

BOOK NOW to find out about the fascinating history of two of this year’s gardens.

“A potted history of two historic houses in Histon and their recent renovations”, Monday 25th April 7:30pm, Baptist Church.

Can’t wait until June? Get ready for Open Gardens now, by finding out about the intriguing history of Histon Manor and The Gables. Jo Roach and Katherine Mann will talk about the colourful histories of former residents, how the architecture of the houses evolved over the years, and the discoveries that they have made during renovations.

Booking is essential – click here to find out more and book your place.

During Open Gardens, you’ll be able to admire the architecture of these two houses that have dominated village life for hundreds of years. Step behind the walls of an oasis on our high street, see the former animal houses of the private zoo, and puzzle over the history of the moat. But many of our other gardens have fascinating stories to tell, too. On School Hill, you’ll find the garden originally laid out by the village doctors, around the corner from a garden built on the old school playing fields. Several gardens have connections with the Chivers factory, from the Baptist Church manse, built on land donated by the Chivers family, to a worker’s cottage and the home of the foreman. All of which makes for fascinating stories and gorgeous Victorian and Edwardian architecture, set off by glorious gardens.

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