Programmes on sale now!

We are very excited to finally share our wonderful program, illustrated by local artist Sue Smith.
You can pick up your copy NOW at:

Topiary Tree
Histon Post Office
St Andrew’s Centre Café
Station Stores
Gin House Flowers

Look out for the “on sale here” posters. Programmes are £5 in advance, and they can only take cash, so the correct change would be very helpful.

Or you can buy one from our stall on the Green, Saturdays 1st, 8th and 15th June, 10am – 12pm (cash/contactless), where we will also be selling plants. If you have plant donations for us, please do bring them along to the stall, or contact us if you need us to collect.

On the day, you can buy one, for £6, from any participating garden (cash) of from our hub on the Green (cash or contactless); children are free. See for more information about the event, and updates nearer the time.

Huge thanks to Sue Smith for very kindly providing her beautiful artwork and to Topiary Tree, Histon Post Office, St Andrew’s Centre Café, Station Stores and Gin House Flowers for once again giving their time so generously to sell our programmes.

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