pink achillea

Get growing for Open Gardens!

A very happy year to you all. As the days get longer and we start to plan for the gardening year ahead, we would love your help preparing for the Open Gardens plant stall. This is a great fundraiser for our charities, and a wonderful source of new treasures for your garden. It’s especially great if you have a new garden and aren’t sure how to fill it, because you’ll find plants that thrive in your neighbours’ gardens, and at an affordable price. But to make it a success we will need your donations.

Early spring is a great time to divide clumps of perennials or herbs, which can start to get congested. You’ll invigorate the original clump, have new plants to add a few elsewhere in your garden, and hopefully have some left over to pot up for us. Or could you take cuttings from one of your favourite pelargoniums or fuschias? What about those pretty but slightly too prolific self-seeders that have popped up in the wrong place? Instead of throwing them on the compost heap, could you pot them up, to bring joy to another gardener? Or perhaps you could plant an extra packet of seeds or even buy an extra tray of plug plants, to grow on, ready to donate. Flowers, vegetable plants, herbs and shrubs are all very welcome, and we’ll let you know where and when to donate them nearer the time.

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Histon and Impington Open Gardens, Sunday 12th June 2022

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