The gates are open!

The gates are open!

Come on in to the first ever Virtual Histon & Impington Open Gardens. All the gardens are now available for your viewing pleasure on our new YouTube channel, Histon & Impington Open Gardens. You’ll have to bring your own tea and scones, I’m afraid. To watch the videos please go to our Histon & Impington…

Border control

This beautiful drought-tolerant border below is looking perfect right now, ready for everyone to visit at one of our brand new gardens, Garden no. 4, Burgoynes House, owned by Gwen and Les Borysiewicz. Their knowledgeable gardeners, Victor Impey and Maeve Polkinhorn, who designed and planted the border, will be on hand to chat to you…

Oriental charm

Prepare for some oriental charm at garden number 15 at 3 Cooke Walk in Impington, as its owners have worked hard over the last few years to introduce touches of the Far East onto the blank canvas of the garden of a new house. According to owners Trevor and Phillipa Smith theirs is, ‘A small…

Village greenery

Histon & Impington’s popular Open Gardens event is back this June and it’s bigger and better than ever before. Ever wondered what goes on behind the façade of the houses of Histon & Impington? Well, now you can find out, botanically speaking, that is. Histon & Impington Open Gardens is back this summer on Sunday…