Fun for all the family

We have plenty to keep your little ones busy during this year’s Open Gardens, this Sunday, 12th June, giving you the chance to sneak a quick look at the gardens 😊

You can pick up your free Children’s Trail on the Green or at your first garden. Each garden has an object for you to find (cute animals, mythical creatures, the crazy laughing tree) and a stamp with which to stamp your “passport”. On the back, you’ll also find some more ideas for things to do.

At Garden 3, you could play hide and seek in the woods, or see if you can find the buildings where the animals used to be housed, back in the days when there was a private zoo. You can even meet the Cambridge Cats, Fitz and Will! Find them at the top of the drive at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm.

At Garden 9, you can find out all about hedgehogs, and how you can help to provide a good home for them in your garden, or pick up some inspiration for growing your own veg. Bring a blindfold and have a go at the barefoot maze at Garden 10 or look for the bat boxes and newts at Garden 6. You can play chess or visit the beach in Garden 1, admire the clever sunken trampoline in Garden 2 or plant some wild flowers in Garden 12. You’ll come across chickens, pigs and no doubt cats and dogs on your travels, with plenty of wild areas to explore and inspiration for making your own wildlife garden. Plus, historical information in several gardens and a wide range of music performances to experience. All in all, a fun-packed day for all the family!

We have four gardens offering refreshments, nicely spread across the villages, so when those little legs start to get tired you won’t be far from somewhere to take a pit stop. They are marked on the map, along with locations of toilets and gardens offering play equipment, so you can plan your day to suit your family’s needs. You can also download the brand new Open Gardens App, to keep all of this information at your fingertips.

You’ll also be supporting local children. One of our four chosen charities this year is East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices, and the money we raise for HI Friends will help to support their new projects supporting the mental health of the children and young people in our village schools.

Entry to the gardens is free for under 16s accompanied by an adult. Adult entry is by programme, £5 in advance or £6 on the day. See for details of where to buy.

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