The Cambridge Cats are coming!

If you’re taking little ones to Histon & Impington Open Gardens this weekend, be sure to visit the grounds of Histon Manor, where the owners will be doing book readings from their very own children’s book series, Fitz and Will, the Cambridge Cats, by local writer Laura Robson Brown, which follows the adventures of two mischievous cats across the city.

The cats, Fitz and Will, will be there in mascot form to meet children at the front of the manor, from where they will be taken for a book reading by Katherine Mann, the originator and publisher of the Fitz & Will series. The readings will take place at 2pm and 4pm on Sunday 9 June. 

Katherine is also the owner of Histon Manor, along with her husband Rob. The gardens themselves are a fascinating place to visit, filled with history and mystery. The Manns, who moved into the manor less than a year ago, say the grounds are still very much a work in progress: ‘The gardens are in their very initial stages of restoration, but we hope you enjoy exploring them,’ says Katherine. ‘They cover approximately 11 acres and include a formal garden, lawned areas, wooded grounds and fields for animals.’

Deep in the lush green woods is also a mysterious island surrounded by a moat, perfect for explorers big and small. Cross a quaint wooden bridge and you’ll find yourself in a tiny green island world, where the original manor may have stood in medieval times.

If relaxation – rather than exploration – is more your thing, you can enjoy the charms of the rest of the garden with a cup of tea or coffee, which will also be on sale at the garden. All proceeds go to four local charities.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to water hazards present, children need to be accompanied at all times in this garden.

Programmes (which double as your entry ticket) are on sale at the following locations: Station Stores, The Geographer, Histon Post Office, Lighthouse Toys, St Andrew’s Café. £5 in advance, £6 on the day.

©Katherine Mann
©Katherine Mann
©Cambridge News

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