Map Available
The map of the gardens has been released, so you can see where this year’s gardens are located.
The map of the gardens has been released, so you can see where this year’s gardens are located.
We are happy to announce that Open Gardens 2024 is going ahead! With huge thanks to all of the gardeners who have so generously agreed to open their gardens this year, especially those who stepped in at the last minute to save us from having to cancel. Special thanks also to our friends at HIHub…
We will be selling plants on the Green on Saturday 11th, 9-11am (during programme sales) and for the duration of the event on Sunday 12th (while stocks last). So make sure you pop by for a bargain or ten! If you have been growing plants to donate to our plant stall, please bring them along…
We are very excited to finally share our wonderful program, illustrated by local artist Sue Smith. You can pick up your copy NOW at: Topiary TreeHiston Post OfficeSt Andrew’s Centre CaféStation Stores Gin House FlowersLook out for the “on sale here” posters. Programmes are £5 in advance, and they can only take cash, so the…
As natural habitats in the wider countryside shrink and become fragmented, gardens have an increasingly important role to play in sustaining wildlife. Even in cities, they can offer a patchwork of green spaces, providing a link between parks and countryside. Many of us try to garden with wildlife in mind, whether by planting native trees,…
There is nothing more magical than enjoying a beautiful summer garden with fantastic live music as your soundtrack, and we are very privileged to have such a wonderful and varied selection this year. Huge thanks to Kathryn Nall, for once again organising such a great programme, and to all of the musicians for very kindly…
There are five places where you can buy your programme for this year’s Open Gardens: Station Stores The Geographer Histon Post Office Lighthouse Toys St Andrew’s Café. They cost £5 now, and will be £6 on the day. We will also be selling programmes on The Green on Saturday May 25th, June 1st and June…